Do you ever wonder why there seems to be so much therapy out there - for physical and mental health - and still so many people complain about not being able to move forward?
I personally, for example have been looking for help with my chronic pain for decades. Acupuncture, antibiotics, homoepathics, physical therapy, trauma healing, adjustments, healers and all sorts of allopathic and naturopathic stuff - and nothing took it away.
As a Naturopathic Doctor, one would think, I should have access to the best therapies, there are. But even the specialized allopathic clinic, which I waited a year to have an appointment with, sent me away with the suggestion to take antibiotics for the rest of my life, so flare-ups wouldn't happen anymore.
When I finally found a way out, you can only imagine the urge to share this with all fellow sufferers of physical and emotional pain. The body I had learned to fear and watch like a hawk was my guide to a life in connection with myself and others. Pain free, emotionally strong and stable and with energy for everyday life, which was used for pain management before.
"So what is it?!"
Alright, I'll tell you, what worked for ME. It is of course way more layered than I can put out here, but if you check these out, you're on a good track to finding real help. I truly believe, it could help you, too, because the science background is promising as well and I am not the only lucky one:
Focusing - a skill, which truly is the essence of research done by Eugene Gendlin in the 50's and 60's, watching people in psychotherapy and determining, what made them successfully shift into different behavior or perception. He brought it down to 6 simple steps, which can be learned by anyone, who wants to. Essentially, it is quieting down, listening into your body, to find the right words for how you feel towards something. This is amazing for trauma and emotional pain. Check out the page of The International Focusing Institute.
Learning about the nervous system - Polyvagal Theory. Deb Dana, Stephen Porges, Jan Winhall and many more names could be checked out, if you are curious about being able to regulate your nervous system and calming yourself down. Less stress, more respect for one's own needs - so many advantages to educating yourself in this. Click the Links to dive in.
Alan Gordon's Pain Reprocessing. This relieved me of my chronic pain. It works for pain memory or "Neuroplastic Pain" and if you immediately think: "Oh, that's not for me - my pain is real!" Yes, my pain was real. All pain is created by the brain, not by the structure itself. So pain is real, if it's there. Check out his Podcast "Tell me about your pain and check out the Curable App.
These are just three of the main game changers that came into my life. Of course there's sports, nature, meditation/spiritual practice, community and so much more to talk about. But tell that to someone with depression, anxiety and chronic pain, right?! The three access points to pain education and healing address you, exactly where you're at. I hope, you feel seen, as much as I did, when you get into it.